Legend On A Map: Symbols Explained & How They Affect Your Maps

Legend on a map is one of the most important elements of cartography. It contains all the information about symbols on the map and what they represent. If you want your map to be more visually appealing, it is best to avoid using too many symbols or colours in your legend.

Symbols are one of the most important features on a map. They help people interpret and understand what is going on the map.

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Meaning & Purpose of a Legend On A Map?

A legend is a key that maps out the symbols, colours, and other features on a map or chart. It tells you what all of the different map symbols mean.

According to the legend on the map, the variations of land types are shown in different colours – blue for water, brown for mountain, green for forests etc. Legends also include symbols that represent each type of feature on a map.

The purpose of a legend is to provide a quick reference to what different colours or symbols represent on a map.

Importance of Legend In A Map

A legend is a key that helps the reader translate a map. It contains a set of symbols and labels that describe the different types of features on a map.

Maps can be used to represent different types of spatial relationships between objects. For example, maps have been traditionally used to show administrative boundaries, human settlement patterns, and terrain contours.

What is a Symbol and How do They Represent Meaning?

Map symbols are used to represent various geographic features on a map. They can be pictorial, abstract, or both. Maps contain symbols that represent natural and man-made features such as roads, bodies of water, and towns and villages. Some maps also contain symbols for different land use categories such as forests, farmland, and urban areas. These map symbols help us find our way around the world.

How Are Map Legends Made?

A legend is a diagram or table that explains the meaning of symbols, images, or colours used on a map. The legend will also describe what type of map it is (e.g., topographical, political), the scale (e.g., 1:1 million), and the date when the map was created (e.g., 2021).

Map legends are made in one of two ways: they can be an integral part of the map itself or they can be found in a separate document that comes with the map when it is published.

What To Consider In Map Legend?

Considerations when creating a map legend:

  1. The colour of lines, arrows, and symbols on the map should be coordinated with the colour of lines, arrows, and symbols on the legend.
  2. legends should be written in sentence form to help readers better understand their meaning.
  3. legends can be translated into other languages or pictorials for non-English speaking countries.

Example of Legend In The Map

Legends are the often overlooked but important part of any map. They provide an explanation of what things are on the map, how they are shown, and why they are shown.

A legend is necessary for all maps because it helps people understand what they are looking at and aids with navigation.

There are four types of legends found on maps: attribute legends, symbol legends, graphic legends, and reference maps.


Legend on a map can mean many different things. It can be a symbol, object or phrase that helps the user understand the map and how it is used.

Legend on a map is an important part of every map and it goes without saying that you need to know what each one means in order to interpret it correctly.

FAQ: Legend On A Map

What is a legend’s function?

A legend’s function is to provide context for the map. The legend explains what certain symbols on the map mean, such as which colours represent highways, which symbols represent hospitals, and so on.

What Are The Benefits Of Legend On A Map?

A legend on a map provides an explanation for the symbols used on the map and its features. Maps with legends are more comprehensible and easier to interpret. It also gives information about places, symbols, roads, mountain ranges, rivers etc. for any person who is looking at it.

What Are Some Of The Features Of Legend On A Map?

The legend is a key element in any map. It provides clarity to the map’s content and helps the people who are viewing it to understand how different features are represented.
Some of the features of a legend are: Colours used for different features, Symbols or icons that depict different features, Text explaining what each feature means, Scale indicators.

What Are The Types Of Maps That Have Legends?

Map legends are those labels that provide information about the map. Geographical maps can have various types of legends such as: Political boundaries, County or state lines, Streets and highways, National parks, forests, and wildlife refuges.