Native OpenCV for Android with Android NDK

A tutorial for setting up OpenCV 4.5.5 (and other 4.x.y versions) for Android in Android Studio with Native Development Kit (NDK) support. Android NDK enables you to implement your OpenCV image processing pipeline in C++ and call that C++ code from Android Kotlin/Java code through JNI (Java Native Interface).

This sample Android application displays a live camera feed with an OpenCV adaptive threshold filter applied on each frame. The OpenCV adaptive threshold call is performed in C++.


Tool Version
OpenCV 4.5.5
Android Studio 2020.3.1
Android Build Tool 32.0
Android NDK 23.1
Kotlin 1.6.10
Gradle 7.0.4
Mac OS 11.6.2

How to use this repository

  1. Download and Install Android Studio
  2. Install NDK, CMake and LLDB
  3. Clone this repository as an Android Studio project :
  4. Install OpenCV Android release :
  5. Link your Android Studio project to the OpenCV Android SDK you just downloaded :

Note: MainActivity is written in Kotlin but you can comment out the Kotlin file and uncomment the Java file to use Java.

Bootstrap a new Android project with Native OpenCV support

Here are the steps to follow to create a new Android Studio project with native OpenCV support :

  1. Download and Install Android Studio
  2. Install NDK, CMake and LLDB
  3. Create a new Native Android Studio project :
  4. Install OpenCV Android release :
  5. Add OpenCV Android SDK as a module into your project :
include ':opencv' project(':opencv').projectDir = new File(opencvsdk + '/sdk') 
cppFlags "-frtti -fexceptions" abiFilters 'x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a' arguments "-DOpenCV_DIR=" + opencvsdk + "/sdk/native" 
include_directories($/jni/include) add_library( lib_opencv SHARED IMPORTED ) set_target_properties(lib_opencv PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION $/libs/$/ 

alt text

Questions and Remarks

If you have any question or remark regarding this tutorial, feel free to open an issue.


This tutorial was inspired by this very good Github repository.


Tutorial, Template, OpenCV 4, Android, Android Studio, Native, NDK, Native Development Kit, JNI, Java Native Interface, C++, Kotlin, Java