Creating an RTF Template

Rich Text Format (RTF) is a specification used by common word processing applications, such as Microsoft Word. When you save a document, RTF is a file type option that you select.

BI Publisher's RTF Template Parser converts documents saved as the RTF file type to XSL-FO. You can therefore create report designs using many of your standard word processing application's design features and BI Publisher will recognize and maintain the design.

During design time, you add data fields and other markup to your template using BI Publisher's simplified tags for XSL expressions. These tags associate the XML report data to your report layout. If you are familiar with XSL and prefer not to use the simplified tags, BI Publisher also supports the use of pure XSL elements in the template.

In addition to your word processing application's formatting features, BI Publisher supports other advanced reporting features such as conditional formatting, dynamic data columns, running totals, and charts.

If you wish to include code directly in your template, you can include any XSL element, many FO elements, and a set of SQL expressions extended by BI Publisher.

Supported Modes

BI Publisher supports two methods for creating RTF templates:

This guide describes how to create RTF templates using both methods.


Before you design your template, you must:


Creating an RTF template file consists of two basic steps:

  1. Design your template layout. Use the formatting features of your word processing application and save the file as RTF.
  2. Mark up your template layout. Insert the BI Publisher simplified tags.

When you design your template layout, you must understand how to associate the XML input file to the layout. This chapter presents a sample template layout with its input XML file to illustrate how to make the proper associations to add the markup tags to the template.

Using the BI Publisher Template Builder

The Template Builder is an extension to Microsoft Word that simplifies the development of RTF templates. It automates many of the manual steps that are covered in this chapter. Use it in conjunction with this manual to increase your productivity.

The Template Builder is tightly integrated with Microsoft Word and allows you to perform the following functions:

Manual steps for performing these functions are covered in this chapter. Instructions and tutorials for using the Template Builder are available from the readme and help files delivered with the tool.

Associating the XML Data to the Template Layout

The following is a sample layout for a Payables Invoice Register:

Sample Template Layout

Note the following:

XML Input File

Following is the XML file that will be used as input to the Payables Invoice Register report template:

Note: To simplify the example, the XML output shown below has been modified from the actual output from the Payables report.

 - - - COMPANY A - - 124 10-NOV-03 Standard 031110 10-NOV-03 EUR 122 122 VAT22%   1000.00 1000.00   108763.68 122039  

XML files are composed of elements. Each tag set is an element. For example is the invoice date element. "INVOICE_DATE" is the tag name. The data between the tags is the value of the element. For example, the value of INVOICE_DATE is "10-NOV-03".

The elements of the XML file have a hierarchical structure. Another way of saying this is that the elements have parent-child relationships. In the XML sample, some elements are contained within the tags of another element. The containing element is the parent and the included elements are its children.

Every XML file has only one root element that contains all the other elements. In this example, VENDOR_REPORT is the root element. The elements LIST_G_VENDOR_NAME, ACCTD_SUM_REP, and ENT_SUM_REP are contained between the VENDOR_REPORT tags and are children of VENDOR_REPORT. Each child element can have child elements of its own.

Identifying Placeholders and Groups

Your template content and layout must correspond to the content and hierarchy of the input XML file. Each data field in your template must map to an element in the XML file. Each group of repeating elements in your template must correspond to a parent-child relationship in the XML file.

To map the data fields you define placeholders. To designate the repeating elements, you define groups.

Note: BI Publisher supports regrouping of data if your report requires grouping that does not follow the hierarchy of your incoming XML data. For information on using this feature, see Regrouping the XML Data.


Each data field in your report template must correspond to an element in the XML file. When you mark up your template design, you define placeholders for the XML elements. The placeholder maps the template report field to the XML element. At runtime the placeholder is replaced by the value of the element of the same name in the XML data file.

For example, the "Supplier" field from the sample report layout corresponds to the XML element VENDOR_NAME. When you mark up your template, you create a placeholder for VENDOR_NAME in the position of the Supplier field. At runtime, this placeholder will be replaced by the value of the element from the XML file (the value in the sample file is COMPANY A).

Identifying the Groups of Repeating Elements

The sample report lists suppliers and their invoices. There are fields that repeat for each supplier. One of these fields is the supplier's invoices. There are fields that repeat for each invoice. The report therefore consists of two groups of repeating fields:

The invoices group is nested inside the suppliers group. This can be represented as follows: